On December 2, "TSU Youth Center" has officially opened at Tbilisi State University (block 7). The opening event was organized within “Promoting Integration, Tolerance and Awareness Program in Georgia [PITA], implemented by the UN Association of Georgia with financial support of USAID. Center for Civil Integration and Inter-ethnic Relations is a partner organization of the program.
The welcome speeches were given by the representatives of donor organizations, CCIIR, Ministry of Education, Office of Public Defender of Georgia, the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality, TSU rector and academic personnel. TSU students and representatives of some non-governmental organizations also attended the event.
TSU Youth Center was established in the framework of one-year Georgian language program for ethnic minorities and it will be focused on their needs, on enhancing students' civic engagement and integration process in Georgian community. The center will ensure that the students' university life would become more interesting and diverse.
There are various activities that are planned to be carried out by the center. According to the interests of beneficiaries there are many topics and themes that they will address: protection of human rights, inter-cultural dialogue, challenges of education and diversity management, cooperation with the private sector etc. The training sessions and discussions will be also provided. In addition, the center will assist their beneficiaries/members in fundraising, prepare them to participate in funding competitions. The improvement of employment opportunities for students will also be an important issue for the center.
P.S. The membership of the TSU Youth Center is free and anyone 18-25 years old can join!
See the photo gallery of the opening here www.facebook.com/media/set/